the “Edith” saga

The Edith project was inspired by what could happen creatively with a large community of collectors. Having a body of work on the Solana blockchain allows for many different reward based systems and easy organization of community. There are 2 characters, “Edith” and “Lover”- each having 100 versions. Each Edith and Lover character are all uniquely different to create a diverse collector base, and allow for a multi year project to stay engaging. Currently, the most sought after Wetiko paintings are in the three collections below.



A collection of 100 abstract portraits of a woman who’s lost the ability to recognize herself. Each painting is photographed, turned into an NFT, and sold on the Solana blockchain. Utilizing this technology allows for a tighter communal element to collecting fine art.


A collection of 100 abstract portraits of a man who’s arrived to help cure Edith’s illness. Each painting is photographed, turned into an NFT, and sold on the Solana blockchain. Collecting both a “Lover” and an “Edith” allows the collector to create a “Story”.


Collectors who own both an “Edith” and a “Lover” have the ability to commission Wetiko to create a “Story”. These paintings combine elements from each character, and are released as editions; splitting the sales and future royalties evenly between Wetiko and the collector.